Sonic experience
70 Performers
42 St Bryant Park - 5 Av
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025
8:30 am - 9:30 am

The past has passed but is still passing;
 and the future is arriving but already has arrived.

those interested in participating public sonic experience, please sign up through the link below.

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no Participant Requirements

We are always in the present AND NEVER RESTING UPON A FIXED POINT. 
Yet, most of time, we forget that we are in the present. So what does it mean to experience the present
THIS cannot be explained through words or captured in photographs—the moment it is framed, it is not the present.

This work refuses to lEAVE visual information
The present (the work) emerges and disappears only by passing through the performance itself. It exists solely in that TIME AND SPACE, IN THAT MOMENT, in that place, through the body. It does not leave any trace.

In a passageway BUSY with commuters, 70 performers stand along the walls, chanting sounds. Vowel tones echo through the space, transforming this transitory rush-hour corridor into an Echo Chamber.

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